Meeting Schedule

Jan 8, 2025Club MeetingWe will have a live interactive remote demo by Trent Bosch. He will demonstrate the making of a decorative utility bowl. His website can be found at Click Here
Feb 12, 2025Club MeetingWe will have a live interactive remote demo by Dave Landers. AHe will show us how to make a Kuksa (or Guksi) is a Scandinavian drinking cup for outdoorsmen. His website can be found at Click Here
Feb 21-23, 2025ACC ShowThis show is a must "go to" for the wide variety and quality of hand-made craft items on display and sale. The club will be demonstrating at the American Craft Council show at the Baltimore Convention Center. Sign-up instructions to come.
Mar 12, 2025Club MeetingIts time for Show-n-Tell ! Time to show off your latest and greatest creation or flop. We'd like to see it all! 🙂
Apr 9, 2025Club MeetingOur very own president, Julie Schmidt, will be demonstrating ways of embellishing your turnings. Her website can be found at Click Here
May 14, 2025Club MeetingWe will have a live interactive remote demo by Dave Landers. He will be demonstrating the making of a 3 piece goblet. His website can be found at Click Here
Jun 11, 2025Club MeetingWe will have an in-house live demo by our very own Andy Arconti. He will be demonstrating the process of segmented turning.
Jun 12-15, 2025AAW Annual Woodturning SymposiumBAT members are urged to check out the AAW National Symposium to be held in St Paul, MN. For more details Click Here.
July 9, 2025No meeting in JulyWe have decided to skip the July meeting. Many members are off on travel and attendance is typically low, so we have decided to not have a meeting in July.
Aug 13, 2025Club MeetingIts time for Show-n-Tell ! Time to show off your latest and greatest creation or flop. We'd like to see it all! 🙂
Sept 9, 20245Club MeetingWe will have an in-house live demo by our very own Bruce Lamb. He will be demonstrating . . . "TBD"
Sept 19-21, 2025
MAWTSBAT members are urged to check out the Mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium being held in Lancaster, PA. For more details: Click Here.
Oct 8, 2025Club MeetingTBD
Nov 12, 2025Club MeetingWe will have a live interactive remote demo by Cindy Drozda. She will be demonstrating . . . "TBD". Her website can be found at Click Here
Dec 10, 2025Club MeetingHoliday Party !


Meeting Time & Location

Meetings are normally held the second Wednesday of each month starting at 7:00pm. Check this page for dates, times, and agenda. Sometimes the meeting date will change for special events.

The Baltimore Area Turners meet at the Woodcraft store in Timonium. The address is:

     15 W. Aylesbury Rd.
Suite 700
     Timonium, MD 21093

Click here for a map

Typical Meeting Agenda

  • Introduce new members and guests
  • Old club business
  • New club business
  • Raffle donated items
  • Member Show and Tell – or -Demonstration